
IBM 08K8194 battery

IBM Laptop Battery Review - Screen

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The battery under review is a 15.0" variety with an SXGA+ (1400 x 1050) and has what Lenovo calls "08K8194, 08K8196, 92P1102 , 92P1077, 92P1073, 08K8199, FlexView" technology to provide very wide viewing angles. Often notebook screens can suffer from color distortion if viewed from angles that deviate from perpendicular viewpoints (straight on and level) -- the cheaper the LCD the worse the viewing angle. The FlexView screen is a real treat though, the screen color and brightness maintains from just about any angle you try. Gathering people around your laptop to view a spreadsheet (or to view the latest version of your work offices favorite online flash based cartoon) will mean everyone can see it, even those at the end of the semicircle of people.08K8194, Also important and worth noting, since the screen is matte (anti-glare) you won't get any nasty reflection of office lights on the screen -- but it is true colors are not as bold and contrasting as with the popular glossy screen consumer notebooks (i.e. Sony XBrite, Dell TrueLife, Fujitsu CrystalView, HP BrightView).

Brightness wise the battery screen under review is very good, it's the brightest ThinkPad screen that I've experienced in fact. But ThinkPad screens are not known for being the brightest and best, just adequately bright and good enough for business use. So I'll say that the T60 screen being reviewed is bright, it's equivalent in brightness to a current Dell e1705 17" consumer oriented notebook I have in hand (see pics above),08K8196, but I'm sure there's a 5% audience out there that might wish there was one more notch increase of brightness available.

The screen lighting is very even,08K8194, 08K8196, 92P1102 , 92P1077, 92P1073, 08K8199, there's no areas of darkness or brightness -- indeed it's what makes the battery FlexView screen all the more amazing, it's so evenly lit and crisp from such vast angles.

Also, keep in mind, my comments here reflect the use of a 15" SXGA FlexView screen T60. Experiences may differ with a 14" size screen, there is no FlexView offering on that screen size. 2.3 The main performance parameters of the test

Fuel cell test system requires accurate monitoring and control of hundreds of measurements.92P1102 , Fan with the fuel and oxidizer from the flow, temperature, pressure and humidity to the fuel cell group of the output voltage and current. Test the performance of fuel cells is very important, and monitoring the impact of the performance is more important variable, but the most important parameters of these variables adequate control, safe operation is also essential. Therefore, monitor and control the main parameters are:

(1) voltage. Load in the circumstances, single-battery output voltage from the open circuit voltage down to 1V about O. 6V about.08K8194, 08K8196, 92P1102 , 92P1077, 92P1073, 08K8199, To know each single-battery voltage can be closer to understanding the health of the stack. If any single cell show a different voltage, it indicates that the battery problems, or temperature is abnormal, or electrode submerged. Testing a single cell or stack voltage can correct operation, testing and design of fuel cell.

(2) current. Sometimes a high output current, and are usually measured using Gaussian effects, this method can not directly use the wire to test the current, and by monitoring the ratio of the signal and then convert the current reading.

(3) temperature. To efficiently generate electricity. PEMFC must be in the range of 60-80 ℃ work. 92P1077, The purpose of monitoring the temperature changes is to optimize the temperature to increase output power, thermocouples and resistance temperature sensor. Is to monitor battery temperature and good gas temperature sensor.

(4) humidity. Each cell membrane must maintain a certain degree of humidity, too dry or too wet will affect the efficiency of fuel cells. Thus the determination and control of fuel cell humidity is very important. A humidity test method is through e-humidity sensor, according to the humidity in proportion to the size of the output of 4-20mA current, test equipment input channels can be read into the current signal.

(5) gas pressure. In many applications, air pressure, the pressure must be carried out surveillance and management.08K8194, 08K8196, 92P1102 , 92P1077, 92P1073, 08K8199, Pressure measured by pressure sensors and signal conditioning.

(6) gas flow rate. Hydrogen flow rate of the general use of the pulse rate is proportional to the quality of air flow meter to measure. 92P1073,Then these pulses by the counter / timer interface board to conduct surveillance. And use the software converted into the flow. Electronic wither section through the test bed can be output voltage or current to control the pressure and flow.

(7) load. Can make use of programmable load resistance to change. Resistance to change can be used to control the GPIB-load equipment or through digital relays in parallel to connect the various resistance. The first method can be installed through a separate unit to change GPl0 increase in electrical resistance of the pile, the second approach can make use of relays and switches to change the resistance.

2.4 Fuel Cell Test System basic structure

Fuel Cell Test System from the two major pieces of hardware and software components. Hardware part of the main controller, sensors and load devices; controller is mainly based on computer control. This approach and give full play to the computer's advantages: speed, memory capacity of a powerful and scalable.08K8199, Software should be easy to upgrade and offers the flexibility, user-friendly. Users can easily conduct various kinds of complexity and experimental programming. Table l lists the fuel cell test system of basic structural unit.

3. Conclusion

T engineers continually new method will be applied to the fuel cell tests. A constant search for reliable,08K8194, 08K8196, 92P1102 , 92P1077, 92P1073, 08K8199, accurate and flexible test system to help shorten the development cycle, improve the quality of fuel cells and reduce costs. To develop next-generation fuel cell. With the development of fuel cell dugang environment, the Government and consumer pressure to increase, coupled with the Government's huge investment in fuel cell test system development and application will achieve greater progress.

