
toshiba PA3395U-1BRS battery

200 million mobile phones every year change the battery waste standard dystocia

Supply and demand of China's mobile phone market with a strong,Toshiba Laptop Battery, new brand, new, new models are emerging, cell phone replacement significantly accelerated, and thus the birth of Taiwan's 20 million annual volume of the replacement a1012 battery, m8244 battery. And because the specifications are not unified, chargers, batteries and other spare parts mobile phone rarely re-use, which brings inconvenience to consumers at the same time, but also resulted in an alarming waste of resources.

It is learned that only a small number of the charger several models can be generic, such as Nokia 3 series and 8 series. In addition, the vast majority of mobile phones and chargers are the "monogamy." In other words, for a cell phone, it means that a set of discarded batteries and chargers, even the same brand between different models of mobile phones is also true.

In fact, different specifications of the inconvenience caused to the charger is still followed, resulting in tremendous waste and damage to the environment are even more alarming. According to data released by Ministry of Information Industry, the door,PA3098U-1BRS, PA3084U-1BRS, PA3399U-1BRS, PA3395U-1BRS, PA3250U-1BRS, PA3356U-1BRS, as at the end of October 2004, China's mobile phone users has reached the 320 million people. Fashion phones are consumer products, upgrading the speed of a swift pace. If each user on average every 3 years to replace the conservative frequency of a cell phone, and each is equipped with mobile phones are generally two batteries and a charger, this calculation, every year there are 200 million cell phone batteries and 100 million mobile phone charger into garbage.

In addition, environmental experts have long pointed out that China is also the lack of a complete e-waste recycling mechanism, chargers, lithium gk479 battery, fk890 battery, dell inspiron 1520 battery inside the copper, aluminum, plastics, electrolytes,PA3395U-1BRS, PA3250U-1BRS, PA3356U-1BRS,and other non-ferrous metals would have caused a great deal of damage to the environment .

From a technical point of view, the existing charger interface is not difficult to unify. As early as 2002, the South Korean mobile phone manufacturers more than with mobile operators to reach a universal mobile phone charger standard agreement, and after the formal implementation. In a May 2005 Summit Forum on China-made mobile phones, also reported the "manufacturers and R & D institutions will be resolved as soon as possible a unified standard charger is the problem."

However, since there is no "technical problems", why the major mobile phone manufacturers in the charger, the battery configuration is still "own" it? In this regard, the Secretary-General in Shanghai Communication Industry Association pointed out that the quarter-Ti, there is no "technical problems", only "the interests of barriers."

Ti quarter said most of the current value of a charger yuan,PA3098U-1BRS, PA3084U-1BRS, PA3399U-1BRS, PA3395U-1BRS, PA3250U-1BRS, PA3356U-1BRS, a cell phone battery to be two to three hundred dollars or even higher, selling batteries and chargers more than make money selling mobile phone, if the unified model battery standards equivalent to have lost a large piece of the lucrative market. Because of this, of course, businesses have the power to defend the status quo and will not easily give up the charger and cell phone "bundling."

Ti quarter also pointed out that from the mobile communications industry's long-term development, cell phone chargers, batteries, "fragmentation" phenomenon does not take too long, unified configuration is a general trend, of course, also need the Government to the middle of something, "is to the control of a time. "

Memory Stick features a collection of new PSP exclusive release battery

Recently, a novel published around the PSP,PA3098U-1BRS, PA3084U-1BRS, PA3399U-1BRS, Memory Stick features a collection of batteries - dell inspiron 1521 battery, dell inspiron 1720 battery, dell inspiron 1721 battery.

This is a collection of peripheral functions and the storage battery of the PSP features a dedicated lithium-ion battery, battery capacity is up to standard PSP lithium battery (1800mAH) twice as much as for 3600mAH. Functions in the store is huge with a 4G storage space than the current 2G market, the largest of the MSD only be even more significant.PA3098U-1BRS, PA3084U-1BRS, PA3399U-1BRS, PA3395U-1BRS, PA3250U-1BRS, PA3356U-1BRS, This powerful yet to be announced around the price on the outlook, the price is relatively expensive, but portable and powerful have the advantage of the many players will be chasing goals.

