sony notebook battery life
dell notebook battery life: the laptop battery is a more important component, which has a direct bearing on the status of a notebook computer in the power of the lack of ability to work in the environment, the proper use and maintenance of the battery is necessary. The laptop battery is a consumables in the use of a period of time, we will begin to age. As a battery of physical vulnerability to the original working environment VGP-BPS8 in a variety of factors, which lead to cell loss is a major reason why the oxidation caused by the internal battery resistance, even if you do not have to set aside the battery, it can only be delayed to a certain extent The loss rate of no more than the battery. Therefore, the battery on the use and maintenance are a few suggestions:
1. Deliberately do not have to make sure that each have a full End CLP put a rechargeable, external power supply conditions should make full use of external power supply;
2. For a period of time to do an Protection of the circuit under the control of the deep to take charge of battery power to amend statistics, but it will not increase the actual capacity of the battery;
3. Do not have long-term battery, should be a cool place to weaken its own internal passive reaction speed;
4. The protection circuit is also able to monitor the battery self-discharge, do not have long-term battery should be sufficient to a certain degree of power in order to prevent the storage battery self-discharge of excessive lead to excessive VGP-BPS8 battery discharge and damage the battery.
In addition, in accordance with battery manufacturers to give us information, Dell notebook batteries are rechargeable improve protection measures, in 95% of electricity used when the trickle charge in a battery charge after that is not and will not have been sufficient. In addition, because the battery life on fully to calculate the charge and discharge cycles, not simply by calculating the number of charge (fully charged battery and then used it to be a full charge and discharge cycles), is not sufficient time to reduce battery life一次. Therefore, the battery should have been inserted in the notebook above is the correct method to use, and will not affect battery life.
One Laptop Battery Later And I'm A Django Fan
I haven’t had much time to do any coding since I’ve been studying music full time, and I’m taking these two weeks to work on all the pent up projects and work I’ve been ignoring. One of those projects is to finally try out Django tonight. I’d been avoiding it because I didn’t want to get sucked into yet another web application framework I didn’t need, but after spending one laptop battery going through the tutorial sony VGP-BPS8 batteryI just got one thing to say:
Django Fucking Rocks
Now, I know that when I drop the f-bombs and do crazy shit like disagree with people they get their panties in a bunch and call it trolling. Calling disagreement trolling is kind of the inverse of Godwin’s law but I simply gotta throw the passion in there and say it FUCKING rocks.
However, I’m about to qualify this sentiment with the reasons why, based on my experience as a web developer for nearly every industry that uses software, Django is truly good stuff. Most of my review of Django so far is based on this experience, and it in no way states that your framework isn’t also good.
As you read this, turn off the binary bit for a minute VGP-BPS9 and realize that I’m going to tell you what I like about Django so far, not how Django is better than your framework.
Got the bit turned off? You sure, 'cause I don’t want to get emails debating me that start with your framework also does this stuff. That’s nice, but not what I’m talking about. What I’m talking about is what I like about Django.
And now, in order of how I encountered them, the top 10 things I like about Django.
#1) The Documentation
The Django Documentation is pretty damn good so far. I think modern web frameworks generally have good free documentation, but so far Django’s has been very easy to follow, attractive, and dead accurate. I’m sure I’ll run into errors here and there, but when I get comments like this from the community:
[ubernostrum] zedas: one thing that’s not so well-documented, actually is the admin.
I know that the people doing the documentation care enough to take changes, patches, and feedback.
Currently I’ve read the Overview, Installation, Tutorial and about 1/3 of the Django Book 2.0 and I’ve browsed many random topics like signals which look very useful.
Based on this review of the documentation, I can say that sony VGP-BPS9 batteryI haven’t hit any major errors, problems with clarity, or problems finding anything.
#2) The Community
I just gotta say Python people are pretty nice. Sure, geek communities everywhere are full of weird people, and I guess that’s why I get along with them so well. But in the Python world, I’m probably the meanest guy they know.
What’s more important though is they started helping right away. I was on the #django channel on and just mentioned that I was learning Django. Now, I didn’t actually ask for help, since I’ve been doing this long enough to figure this stuff out fairly quick, but people started pointing me at better docs without me asking.
It’s refreshing to run into a group who’s attitude is, “Oh, newbie, ok read this and that and that, and oh that too but watch out for…”
#3) The Admin
For those of you who don’t know, Django has this cool feature VGP-BPS9 batterycalled The Admin which uses your object model and the components you’ve installed in your site to provide you with a fully functioning admin console. With this you can create sites, alter objects, list, delete, sort, filter, drill down, make tables, everything you do in 90% of all enterprise applications.
Going through the admin, and how easily you can make your own modifications, I just feel angry because I’ve had to write that same dumb “sortable-table-of-objects-with-drill-down-filters” over and over and over. Each time in a different framework with a different language. I look at the “log of things you’ve done” to the right and cry. I’ve had to implement that over and over. Each time it was “always way different from the last time” and then it was just exactly what Django has staring at me and mocking me.
I say, if you’re doing the typical enterprise bullshit coding that’s nothing more than a ton of tables with sorting, you should seriously be trying out the Django Admin. Even if all you do is use it as a way to get a prototype in front of users for initial feedback and discovery it will still save you mountains of work later.
#4) The Admin Docs
Once you install docutils this wonderful world opens up where gnomes run around singing and telling you naughty little secrets about your application. With that one skeleton key, your Django Admin will actually let you drill into all your models and views to see their structure. No more dumping SQL databases to find out the name of that damn table for the Person class and whether there’s a VARCHAR on it causing you problems.
Instead you just hop over to the console and browse around. Take a look, see what the models are doing, glance at the views. Forget the template syntax? It’s there. Forgot what URL to use for the user view? It’s there. Need to know all the tags? Yep, all there.
#5) The Conferences
As I work on this little poll application in the tutorial, I remember that I’m going VGP-BPS9to Prague for EuroDjangoCon 2009 to give a keynote. I’ve been to many conferences, with last year being the most I’ve ever done, but this conference season I only have time for one. How could I pass up such a cool list of speakers, nice group of people, and a visit to Prague?
When I think of the Python conferences I’ve been to, I’ve liked all of them quite a lot. They are rarely heavily commercial, usually very cheap, and have a much more laid back community feel to them.
The coolest thing though is meeting John Draper at PyCon. Not sure why he was there, but that was pretty cool.
#6) The Modularity
I mostly ignored Django for most of its life because I thought it was just another web framework. Yawn. Yay. A framework. Joy. Models. Views. Controllers. Oh boy, I think I’ll just stick to one of the hundreds I already know.
Then I saw James Tauber talking about Pinax but more importantly, talking aboutVGP-BPS9A how 2008 was the year of modularity (he used different words). Apparently, Django has been pushing the idea of having discrete “applications” that act within a “site” as cooperating but separate components.
The idea is that, unlike other “components”, these ones act like decoupled little web sites you can put in and configure for a site, and through the magic of HTTP work seamlessly. From this you can have fully packaged applications that implement functionality you need, like authentication, or caching, or tribes without having to gut your whole application and muck around in code.
If that particular component isn’t working well for you, then you can just modify it, or write your own. Since it’s loosely coupled, and you hopefully kept it that way, then the change isn’t too painful.
This change in the architecture of a site from “the site is the application” to the “site has many small applications” is powerful to me. I know other frameworks tried similar things, but since they tried to implement their plugin/module systems through code rather than web plumbing it tends to be more brittle.
Obviously, this can’t be all roses, as I’m sure anyone who’s tried to use Django apps will say, but the fact that there’s a concerted and coordinated effort to make it a central part of Django means your burns will be only 1st degree.
#7) The Simplicity
At first, I was pretty worried when going through the tutorial because it had me returning HttpResponse objects in the buff with no help. As I went through it though they corrected this, and it turned out that much of the code I was writing (or just pasting, 'cause I’m lazy) was very small for a lot of work done. Each paragraph of the tutorial made the code for a generic CRUD application smaller and smaller until they showed generic viewsVGP-BPS9A battery eliminating most of it.
At Django’s most complex it was manageable, and their documentation leads you down the path of seeing the more complicated guts, and then getting easier and easier. The end result of this is you see all the simplicity you can use, but you also get to know the more detailed ways in case you have to do something weird.
This simplicity seems to be everywhere. What goes in an app? Usually just a few files with some functions in them, sometimes some regex. How do you return a response? Just make a response object. How do you set variables to a template? Just use a hashmap.
I’m sure there’s lots going on behind the scenes, but for the most part it’s been refreshing to just look at a framework and not have to dig through mountains of meta-programming just to find out why my application is showing a nasty 500 error page with headers.
#8) The Jazz
Alright, so I’m studying Jazz, and the constant references to jazz in the community really makes me smile. I mean who doesn’t love that old school cheesy as hell love ballad jazz? That alone makes the project worth it, but check out Adrian play “Tenderly” by Chet Atkins.
Dude can play.
#9) The Python
When it comes down to it, Python’s just another scripting language. Whatever,sony VGP-BPS9A battery it’s not better or worse than the others. It’s not revolutionary, its syntax has some warts, but it’s well documented, doesn’t crash, and has tons of great libraries already made for me. For things like making web applications, Python is great.
People who try to learn Python however seem to get hung up on three things: the “syntax”, the “white space”, and the “functions”.
First, when I say syntax, I don’t mean the real definition of syntax, but the Java guy’s definition of “syntax” which means “Curly braces so I know where things begin and end.” To people who come from a bounded language like Java reading Python is like having your eyes fly off a cliff at every turn of a dark road. Really, it’s just something you have to get used to if you want to use Python. Every language you’ll switch to will give you the same problems, but working your way through it slowly will make you a better coder.
Second, the “white space” problem is really different from the syntax for people because what they mean is that they have problems typing in Python code. Usually I only hear this complaint from Emacs users because somehow Emacs fucked up the Python editing mode so that it uses inconsistent tabs and spaces. In Python code mixing tabs and spaces is the death! Yet, here’s Emacs just going at it chewing Python like mad. I usually recommend people use any other editor than Emacs, but if they do, beg for help tuning it specifically for Python first. Getting to where all code you edit in Python VGP-BPS9/B is always indented with spaces is important.
Third, the problem people have with Python’s “functions” is actually that they don’t understand the reason behind things like "".join(stuff) or even worse str(mything) which then just calls __str__. The problem is in most other languages Objects have methods you access with “.” and rarely do they use multimethods. Python however mixes these multimethods with regular methods, and sometimes inconsistently. This design choice has advantages in that common things like converting to a string don’t pollute the public name space, but the disadvantage is that it is honestly kinda ugly.
If you can deal with these three things, then Python is actually very nice and easy. The most important advantage to using Python that I’ve found is that what you want to do and what you end up writing are actually very closely aligned. Given the above “problems” with the language (to outsiders) the end result is actually very readable. Things like docstring comments (if you start a block, don’t use pass to defer it, write the comment) and self for everything (never having to explain scoping is great) just make it easier to see what’s going on.
#10) Pinax
Pinax is a series of reusable Django components that you find on almost every site done today. Here’s the short list from their site:
openid support
email verification
password management
site announcements
a notificationVGP-BPS9/B battery framework
user-to-user messaging
friend invitation (both internal and external to the site)
a basic twitter clone
oembed support
gravatar support
interest groups (called tribes)
projects with basic task and issue management
threaded discussions
wikis with multiple markup support
contact import (from vCard, Google or Yahoo)
photo management
Now, normally when someone throws a laundry list of components at you, the experienced reader says, “Yeah, those will be great until I have to modify the damn curved corner to be cornflower blue.” In this case though, I’m seeing that because of Django’s heavy focus on allowing for modular components right from the start, you can use these or modify them easily without having to tear your hair out. If one of the above components doesn’t quite work, then you should be able to (in theory) write your own and plug it in.
My guess though is that you’ll probably end up just modifying what they have since there’s like 90% of the functionality you’d find on nearly any social network site. In fact, I’d say Pinax is basically the same functionality that companies have paid huge consulting fees to have implemented.
I would be very careful running to use this on a major site or paid gig before you’ve actually sat down and put something real-ish together. James Tauber and friends are more than eager to probably work with you if you got ideas (and hopefully code), but if you start drooling when you read the above list and then expect it to magically reduce your time to delivery for a million dollar project,sony VGP-BPS9/B battery then you are probably going to get bitten.
Then again, I could see using Pinax to start many different sites and use it as the basis for getting your potential users/customers to tell you what they don’t like. My experience has been that users can’t tell you what they want since they can’t conceive of the web site in their head, but if you show them something they’ll have plenty of ideas and needs for you.
That’s My One Battery Review Of Django
Alright, so I’ve laid out what I like, but I really only found these things by giving Django a go. Will I use it in the future? Sure, I’m planning on changing Son of Sam’s name to something more reasonable and doing a couple of sites with it. Now that I’ve used Django, I’m just gonna integrate SoS with Django and make things easy on myself. The sites I want to do can easily reuse portions of Pinax so it’ll be interesting to see how far along I can get before I hit a wall.
At this point, the only warning I’ve received is that deployment is hard, but then, deployment is hard with every web application once you start getting serious. No reason why Django would be any easier or harder.
You Wanna Try, But You Don’t Know Python?
I’ll tell you a secret, I didn’t type much Python to go through this tutorial. I actually just whizzed through it and cut-paste most of the code right off the web page. My goal was to go through the sample to understand the system, not to exercise my Sony laptop battery typing abilities. If you don’t know Python, then just try some cut and paste yourself.
Or, if you want to just try setting up a real Django app for yourself, try this tutorial on getting Pinax running. That’ll let you play with some of the gear without doing much.
Then, try out the tutorial anyway. It’ll be interesting to see how far someone can get without actually knowing much Python.
Of course, if you find you need to first learn some Python, then please don’t tell anyone I told you to skip the RTFM ritual.
All content Copyright (C) Zed A. Shaw since like 2000 or something like that.